Monday, May 31, 2010

Congress is Inefficient

I do not understand why it is taking so long to proclaim a new president and vice president. The entire nation practically knows who won the recently concluded elections. Only the "blessing" from congress is missing. It seems to me that the incumbent losers are delaying the canvassing for as long as they can. I mean seriously. Why would these losers ask Comelec to stop releasing updates? What good will come out of it? Isn't it better to be transparent to the Filipino people?

When the United States held their elections in 2008, the people knew the results in a matter of hours even without 100% of the votes counted. Because of the automated system, scientific exit polls, and fast media outlets, they were able to project a Barack Obama win. For awhile I thought we were headed in the same direction but then our brilliant lawyers and solons had to delay things for reasons I can not seem to fathom.

The elections were a relative success. The foreign observers noted it. Majority of the nation believed it. The exit polls confirmed it. Now to those in disbelief, deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. My sentiments exactly! It's like delaying the inevitable. Just when you thought we are maturing as a nation, these bozos prove otherwise. And they wonder why we don't progress? Pffft.
